Cricket Hill Garden
Cydonia oblonga, 'Tekkes' Turkish Quince
$ 42
Cydonia oblonga
Variety description: The USDA describes this variety as "an attractive non-astringent Turkish cultivar with skin that is hairy like a camel." A large, attractive fruit with bright yellow skin. Flesh crisp, juicy, sweet, non-astringent; matures late September and can be stored for two months. The tree is moderately vigorous and productive.
Site requirements: Full sun location. Quince will grow in a range of soil types provided the planting location is well drained. Soil pH of 6.5 is ideal. Will grow to 12-15'.
Hardiness: USDA zones 4-9.
Plant size: Grafted tree, 18"-24", ships bare root.
Shipping time: FALL 2025.
Shipping restrictions: Cannot ship to Canada.