Cricket Hill Garden

Paeonia, 'Coral Magic' hybrid herbaceous peony

$ 55


Notable characteristics:  Outstanding color, a mix between deep pink and coral, ensures that this peony really shines in the landscape or the vase. We find it to be much more vibrant than any of the other coral hybrid peonies. 

Hybridizer, year introduced: Klehm, 1998.

Growth habit and size at maturity (10 years old): Grows to 36" tall and 36" wide.

Flower form and size: Semi-double, 6-7", borne on strong stems.

Flower fragrance: Fresh, green scent, not sweet like many peonies. This variety is grown for its great color and stem strength in the landscape. 

Bloom time: Early-season herbaceous peony, blooms in our USDA zone 6a garden in the last week of May.

Zone hardiness: Proven in USDA zones 4-9.

Plant size: 4-5 'eyes' or buds with proportional roots. This size plant will most likely flower its second season. 

When we ship: FALL 2025.

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