Cricket Hill Garden
Asimina, 'SAA Zimmerman' pawpaw
$ 68
Variety description: Selected as seedling from seed originating from G.A. Zimmerman collection by John Gordon, Amherst, NY, in 1982. Large fruit; yellow skin and flesh; few seeds.
Site requirements: Full sun location with evenly moist soil. Pawpaws will grow in the shade but fruit set will be poor.
Size at maturity: Trees can be maintained at about 15' tall. Pawpaws sucker readily.
Pests and diseases: None.
Hardiness: Native from New York west to southeastern Nebraska, and south to northern Florida and eastern Texas. Will grow in USDA zones 5-9.
Plant size: Grafted tree, about 1-2' tall with a well developed root system. Grown in 4" x 9" tree pot.
When we ship: SPRING 2025
Shipping restrictions: None.