Cricket Hill Garden

Paeonia, 'High Noon' hybrid tree peony 6 year old plant

$ 650

Notable characteristics: Bright lemon-yellow flowers with an accent of dark red flares. Fast growing, hardy cultivar sets the standard for yellow hybrid tree peonies. Highly recommended, easy to grow. Deer resistant. Herbicide, pesticide, and fungicide free. Grown in Connecticut.

Cultivar group, hybridizer and year introduced: P. lutea hybrid, Prof. Arthur Saunders, 1952.

Growth habit and size at maturity (10 years old): Upright and slightly spreading, grows to 4.5' tall and 3' wide.

Flower form and size: Perfectly formed semi-double blossoms, 6-7". Flowers held upright and to the side.

Flower fragrance: Light, sweet, and slightly lemon.

Bloom time: Late-season hybrid tree peony, blooms in our USDA zone 6a garden in the first week of June.

Zone hardiness: Proven in USDA zones 4-9. 

Plant size: 6 year old plant from our Propagation Collection

When we ship: FALL 2025

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