Cricket Hill Garden

Paeonia, 'Pink of Wen County' Chinese tree peony 5 year old plant

$ 550

Name in Chinese and pinyin: 文縣粉 Wen Xian Fen

Notable characteristics: Single for light pink blossom fade to white. One of the first tree peonies to bloom in our collection. Prolific bloomer attracts many pollinators. Wen county is in southeastern Gansu province and borders on Sichuan province. This plant comes from the southern range of P. rockii, yet exhibits very good cold hardiness. 

Cultivar group, hybridizer and year introduced: Traditional cultivar from Gansu province. 

Growth habit and size at maturity (10 years old): 5' tall and 4' wide.

Flower form and size: Single form, 5-6"

Flower fragrance: Spicy sweet.

Bloom time: Very early season, generally blooms the first or second week of May in our zone 6b nursery.

Zone hardiness: Proven in USDA zones 4-9.

Plant size: 5 year old plant from our Propagation Collection.

When we ship:  Fall 2025

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