Cricket Hill Garden
Malus, 'Baldwin' heirloom apple
Malus domestica
Variety description: A chance seedling discovered in Wilmington, Massachusetts around 1740. Exceptionally hard fruit, make this a good keeper, also good for pies. Some people consider this tart apple a choice selection for fresh eating. Makes delicious hard cider. Once widely planted in New England, now rarely seen.
Grafted onto semi-dwarf EMLA M.111. Trees generally do not require staking. Good for training into an espalier.
Site requirements: Full sun location. Apples will grow in a range of soil types provided the planting location is well drained. Soil pH of 6.5 is ideal.
Hardiness: USDA zones 4-9.
Plant size: Grafted tree, 2-3' tall with strong central leader.
Shipping time: fall 2023
Shipping restrictions: Cannot ship to Canada.