Cricket Hill Garden
Cudrania, 'Norris' female and 'Daniecki' male COMBO tree
Cudrania tricuspidata 'Norris' and 'Daniecki'
Name in Chinese and pin yin: 柘 zhe
Variety description: This under appreciated fruit is a relative of mulberry and fig, and is native to central China. In addition to being grown for its fruit, traditionally Che leaves were used as a secondary food source for silk worms. Self-fertile seedless female trees bear a prolific crop of maroon-red, 1-2" fruit. Ripe fruit have a sweet flavor which is often compared to that of a fig with notes of watermelon.
We graft our Che onto Osage orange (Maclura pomifera) rootstock so that as the plant matures it will develop less of a bush and more of a standard tree form. Young plants have small thorns. These trees are budded with two cultivars ('Norris' (female) and 'Daniecki' (male). This tree will produced pollinated seeded fruit. We have found that pollinated fruit is much more likely to ripen in our cool New England summers)
'Norris' This cultivar was discovered by nurseryman Cliff England growing in an orchard of unusual fruit trees planted in the 1930s on the site of the TVA's Norris Dam in northern Tennessee.
'Daniecki' This selection of male che comes to us from renowned nurseryman Cliff England. He in turn received the original scion material from Ted Daniecki, who found the original tree growing in somewhere in New Jersey. It was selected for propagation because it sets heavy pollen.
Site requirements: Full sun location. Che will grow in a range of soil types provided that the roots stay evenly moist throughout the heat of the summer. Deep, well drained loam is ideal.
Size at maturity: 10-25' tall, 25' wide, depending on pruning.
Hardiness: USDA zones 5b-9. There are some reports of Che growing in USDA zone 5. Cooler climates may have insufficient summer heat to fully ripen the fruit.
Pests and Diseases: None observed. Birds will eat the fruit if you are late to harvest and deer may browse both the fruit and foliage. We protect young trees with a circle of wire mesh to keep the deer away.
Plant size: Grafted tree, 2-3 ft tall.
When we ship: Fall 2023/Spring 2024.