Cricket Hill Garden
Cudrania, 'Chul Ri' Che melonberry
Cudrania tricuspidata 'Chul Ri'
Name in Chinese and pin yin: 柘 zhe
Variety description: A new Korean cultivar of che which we acquired from legendary rare fruit grower Cliff England. This female selection seems quite precocious, with 1st year plants often producing a few fruit. Since we have only grown this cultivar in proximity to a male tree, we cannot yet say whether or not it will produce parthenocarpic seedless fruit in the absence of a male pollinator.
We graft our Che onto Osage orange (Maclura pomifera) rootstock so that as the plant matures it will develop less of a bush and more of a standard tree form. Young plants have small thorns.
Site requirements: Full sun location. Che will grow in a range of soil types provided that the roots stay evenly moist throughout the heat of the summer. Deep, well drained loam is ideal.
Size at maturity: 10-30' tall, up to 25' wide, depending on pruning. Keep it pruned for a smaller size. Very fast growing.
Hardiness: USDA zones 5b-9. There are some reports of Che growing in USDA zone 5. Cooler climates may have insufficient summer heat to fully ripen the fruit.
Pests and Diseases: None observed. Birds will eat the fruit if you are late to harvest and deer may browse both the fruit and foliage. We protect young trees with a circle of wire mesh to keep the deer away.
Plant size: Grafted tree. Field grown, ships bare root.
When we ship: FALL 2025
Shipping restrictions: None.